The supplemental meal swipe program provides immediate assistance to any USask student experiencing food insecurity. The program is intended for students in need without access to food or meals.
The supplemental meal program is a one-time short-term solution and part of a campus wide effort to connect students to sustainable food security solutions.
Once you have requested the supplemental meal swipe option, this is what happens next:
The request is received and the plan activated on your student card on the next regular business day (Monday-Friday). You will receive a notification that the application is accepted and when first meal would be available.
Three meal swipes will be loaded onto your Student Card and can be used at the Marquis Culinary Centre. Once activated the meals expire in 3 days.
Student Affairs and Outreach and Student Life have been made aware of these meals being added to your account.
A member of their team will contact you and offer to meet to further discuss any barriers for you as a student.
If you have immediate questions about meals on your card or to get more information about how you can use the supplemental meals, you can contact the meal plan office at 306-966-6791.
To apply for and activate the meals log in here with your NSID and complete the form.